Milo & The Lamb
Years ago, I decided to write to my children in journals - snippets of our days, silly conversations, deep thoughts, struggles, and fears I have. And last night I got to write something special, clear - even prophetic. At the very least, hopeful. It is so fitting and timely that I should get to share it the next morning, on the very day we celebrate our great hope and our great Love.
To Milo, 3.26.16...
"Tonight, I sang to you while you nursed drowsily, heavy and warm and freshly-bathed in my arms. And I told you truths. Marvelous stories. A love story, in fact. A story about the One who made us, and that while we broke his heart, he never stopped loving us and would never stop fighting for us - even to the point of death. Yet even though he died for us, death couldn't hold him. He beat death and is now building a new home for us and promised to come back for us so that "...where I am, you may be also." He wants to be with us forever. And I prayed over you - prayed that someday you would choose this love and Lord and that someday when you stand before Him all He would see is His beautiful Son - your great Rescuer. I prayed that when He saw you, He would see the Lamb. It was in that moment, that I looked down at you and really saw you as you were: my sweet, helpless child wrapped in a creamy down blanket clutching a soft white lamb to your chest, its face pressed to yours - fiery hair next to ivory fleece.
When I looked at you, I couldn't not see the lamb."
I love you, Milo, my beautiful boy. I cannot fathom the deep pain He experienced at parting with his own, but I am glad that He did so that I don't have to. You were ransomed and redeemed at the cross, my small son, and it is my biggest hope that you choose to accept that perfect love from our perfect Rescuer. Happy Easter. He is Risen!
Love love love -